Monday, July 25, 2011

The Irish "Running" Girl

As many of you may know....I once was an avid runner.  I started running in 1998 in San Antonio, Texas with a running coach and a running club. In fact, I was actually pretty competitive a time or two in my life as well.  I have completed 6 marathons officially and 1 unofficially (Myrtle Beach 2010 was cancelled due to snow, but I ran it anyway!) I have even required a passport to reach my destination runs. In 2009 I set a New Year's resolution to run 100 miles per month....I was on track to achieve my goal, including completing two half-marathons at Disney World and Disneyland, but fell short by about 25 miles in December 2009 due to an untimely hospitalization.  That was a very difficult time in my life.  I ran sporadically in January 2010, but managed to complete the marathon in February.  I did a sprinkling of runs in early March and a half marathon in late March in Atlanta and then I just fell off the map.  In April 2010 it was discovered that I had developed a blood clot in my left leg.  I pretty much stopped running at that time.  I had a few runs here and there, but nothing substantial.  My lack of motivation, continuous battle with depression, and a few other physical problems have kept me from doing what I loved to do for so long.  I don't even recognize myself in the mirror sometimes.  I have gained weight and lost any bit of fitness that I had.  I remember a running coach once saying that "muscles have memory", but mine seems to have amnesia.  So, today after many trials and tribulations...First, I couldn't find my Nike+ sensor (and anybody that knows me will attest that I am a techy runner and cannot run without my Ipod and Nike+ accessories!)... then, not one but two pairs of headsets pooped out on me.  Next, I accidently knocked the "emergency" cord off the treadmill causing it to come to a screeching halt! Did I mention it was 96 degrees outside and my treadmill is in the garage with no air flow?...and then it happened... I made a scientific 200 pounds.....I can't run a mile.  Aside from being pregnant with Valerie in 2003, this is the most I have ever weighed in my life.  Almost 40 pounds have been acquired in the last year.  It's very sad. It has becoming increasingly clear to me how fragile life can be and my health is something that I have some level of control of...David lost his "Oma" yesterday, my dad is having a kidney removed, my stepdad had a hip replacement this morning (stemming from a fall in January)...there have been numerous deaths in our community in recent months, most tragically some involving little ones.  I resolve to give myself another chance to get fit again.  I have struggled with weight most of my adult life (despite the Super Woman mileage I have put in), but this will be my toughest battle yet.  I will be 40 next year and will run (God willing) in the New York City Marathon.  It is my dream and I will be ready.  So, this asthmatic, diabetic, kidney stone carrying, polycystic ovary bearing, overweight momma is officially in training.  Barn Girl out!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Heather! We've missed you at the races! Stick with it... you're still young and have a lot of good running ahead of you. I thought I was too old to start running at age 56, but just 3 years later I feel like I've been a runner forever and I'm also in the best shape of my life.
